Gracie Apothecary offers plant-based products and daily rituals as the tools to understand, support, and heal our bodies.
My Philosophy
I believe in using essential oils, teas, and plants to have a deeper understanding of your body. In Western herbalism, there is emphasis on extracting the scientific properties of plants to “cure” and alleviate specific ailments. In ancient and mainly BIPOC (Black, indigenous, people of color) herbalist traditions, practitioners don’t believe plants work that way and instead focus on a more holistic approach to healing that includes spiritual and mental wellness that comes from a healthy lifestyle.
Where ever you’re at on your journey, I want to help you understand how to use essential oils and teas as tools for recognizing, understanding, and supporting your body’s needs.
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Meet the owner:
Jessica Bondalapati
Gracie Apothecary emerged from a dining room table in the heart of Detroit, with a love for plants and their ability to heal at the core. Owner Jessica Bondalapati, a serial entrepreneur, began experimenting with the effects of essential oils between her other ventures. She discovered the mixtures she created at home helped her love and understand the relationship between mind, body and plants. Wanting to share these experiences and impactful daily rituals with friends and family, Jessica expanded her vision and production to include teas and sprays, while hosting community workshops to empower people to create recipes, oils and blends in their own homes.
Gracie Apothecary is built on love and courage. Named for Jessica’s grandmother - who she admits would’ve preferred Chanel perfumes to patchouli oil - Grandma Beverly Gracey Bailey believed in the power of a woman’s no holds barred ambition and the bravery that fuels women-led businesses. Her grandma’s spirit of love and confidence lives on in every bottle, oil and tea blend.
“Many of the activities we pursue, the resources we consume, and the waste products we create are the products of our desire to make our bodies a little more comfortable and carefree. Whether it’s food, exercise, music, alcohol, sex, drugs—whatever the stimulus—ultimately what we seek is a feeling of satisfaction. In the end, though, true satisfaction arises from a balance of healthy, harmonious energy. And that harmonious, balanced energy is the core of the natural healing power.”