
Whether you’re just starting out or well on your way, developing a healing relationship with plants can be overwhelming for anyone. When multi-level marketing companies try to sell you as many essential oils as possible all at once, it makes it challenging to know how to best use them for your body’s needs. It’s always better to start small and build from there. Purchase one product, use it frequently, and journal the experience so you can really understand how it affects your body. Because of this philosophy, we don’t always stock every product at the same time. We want to support you intentionally on this journey.

Visit our FAQ to learn more about product availability, ordering, and more.


The herbs are truly a gift, given so that we may safely, naturally and effectively heal ourselves. Everywhere on Earth that we are blessed with plants, people have always and continue to use them as medicine. Please educate yourself in these uses and seek the counsel of a qualified health care provider. Gracie Apothecary makes no medical claims and is not responsible for your experience with herbs or our products. The information presented on this website and our products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are in no way intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat or prevent any illness.

Gracie Apothecary disclaim any liability directly or indirectly from the use of this website, the information presented , or our products. We do wish you the best on your journey with health and herbs!

Herbal Teas


Morning glow blend

Set your intentions for a joyful, fulfilling day over a cup of Morning Glow Blend. Fueled by the floral power of Rose and caffeine boost from Assam and Darjeeling, this blend sets a resonating tone for an uplifted spirit and sense of optimism heading into unpredictable days.


Before bed blend

Tranquil sleep is a pillar for a more peaceful existence. A spin on traditional chamomile-based Sleepy Time teas, the Before Bed Blend uses the anti-anxiety powers of Lavender and bliss-inducing Lemon Balm to set you on the path to restful, uninhibited sleep. Sit back with a cup while getting ready for bed to immerse in the full effects.


Afternoon blend

This is the midday reset you’ve been looking for. A perfect compliment to a balanced lunch, the blend of Peppermint and Lemongrass supports healthy digestion. Peppermint compliments your body’s digestive process with a mind and memory reboot - a much needed boost to keep your day as strong as you are.


Essential Oils


all evening rose

Whether you’re setting the enchanting tone for a casual evening out, or planning for a cozied up night on the couch, the All Evening Rose blend sticks with you. The perfect mixture to create a calmed aura enhanced by beautifying, mood-enhancing properties. This oil is a super special blend of stress reliever, sedative and spirit-lifting.


Release anxiety

Release, recharge, re-energize - this spray is an absolute essential for your everyday routine. Lavender drives the anxiety-reducing effects, with Chamomile and Frankincense providing peace of mind as you continue on your journey. An all-day oil, for your morning, noon or night.


meditate + reflect

The time for meditation is now. Provide yourself with much-needed moments of solace throughout the day with the Meditate + Reflect mixture. Made with Frankincense, known as the ‘King of Oils’, instantly provides you with mindfulness and a reminder of living in the present, wherever you may be.


muscle pain snake oil

Give your body a deserved break with this pain-relieving oil - a dynamic combination of Bergamot, Peppermint, and Lavender for aches, inflammation, and much needed mood booster when you’re dealing with pain.


bloating + Cramping
snake oil

Relieve yourself of uncomfortable bloating and cramping with the power of plants. Black Pepper increases circulation to relieve pain and keep you on the move.


headache snake oil

Alleviate the weight on your mind. The extra soothing mix of Lavender and Rosemary jumpstarts circulation, providing pain relief whenever a tension headache makes an unwanted appearance.


Click below to order currently available products or add your name to the waitlist for our next product drop.