First Step Jar


Last week I launched the first episode of #WomenDrinkingTea, my bi-weekly conversation with special guests on all things mental health, herbal wellness, life and, of course, TEA! During the discussion with my guest Dominique Wilson, we talked about how easy it is to do the healthy rituals and habits when we’re feeling good and how challenging it can be to do them when you’re super stressed and full of anxiety.

When I’m stressed, even the smallest decisions can feel so overwhelming and exhausting. It makes me want to do nothing or, worse, lean into my unhealthy habits that seem a lot easier to manage. I asked Dom if she had any tips for how to get yourself over the intimate l hump and do something good for your brain, something that can actually help you overcome the anxious feeling.

She showed us a jar full of small pieces of paper. On these pieces of paper were healthy rituals and actions that she knows will help her move forward during a challenging time. The actions ranged from bigger commitments (do yoga for 30 minutes, go for a walk, clean your room) to smaller first steps (take a deep breath, make a cup of tea).

I absolutely loved the idea of letting your healthy self help your struggling self. It’s a comforting reminder that you aren’t alone and you can be your own best friend. I decided to make my own First Step Jar and try it out! Check out the steps below and some of the actions I wrote down.

I’d love to hear about your own First Step Jars - Instagram @gracieapothecary